
Relevant papers

  1. A. Bîrzu, B.J. Green, R.D. Otterstedt, N.I. Jaeger, J.L.Hudson, “Modelling of spatiotemporal pattern during metal electrodissolution in a cell with a point reference electrode”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2, 2000, 2715-2724.
  2. A. Bîrzu, B. J. Green, N. I. Jaeger, J. L. Hudson, “Spatiotemporal patterns during electrodissolution of a metal ring: three-dimensional simulations”, J. Electroanal. Chem. 504, 2001, 126-136.
  3. A. Bîrzu, B.J. Green, R.D. Otterstedt, J.L. Hudson, N.I. Jaeger,”Spatiotemporal Patterns on a Disk Electrode: Effects of Cell Geometryand Electrolyte Properties”, Z. Phys. Chem. 216, 2002, 459-477.
  4. N. I. Jaeger, R. D. Otterstedt, A. Bîrzu, B. J. Green, J. L. Hudson, “Evolution of spatiotemporal patterns during the electrodissolution of metals: Experiments and simulations”, Chaos 12, 2002, 231-239.
  5. A. Bîrzu, F. Plenge, N. I. Jaeger, J. L. Hudson, K. Krischer, “Complex spatiotemporal antiphase oscillations during electrodissolution of a metal disk electrode: model calculations”, J. Phys. Chem. B 107, 24, 2003, 5825-5835.
  6. A. Bîrzu, F. Plenge, N. I. Jaeger, J. L. Hudson, K. Krischer,”Excitable dynamics during electrodissolution of a metal disk electrode: model calculations”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 5, 2003, 3724-3731.
  7. K.Krischer, H. Varela, A. Bîrzu, F. Plenge, A. Bonnefont, “Stability of uniform electrode states in the presence of Ohmic drop compensation”, Electrochim. Acta 49, 2003, 103-115.
  8. P. Jitaru, A. Bîrzu, R. Mocanu, F. C. Addams, “Effect of the interface on separation in multicapillary gas chromatography – based hyphenated techniques for speciation analysis of organometallic compounds”, Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 382, 2005, 1993-1998.
  9. A. Bîrzu, K. Krischer, “Two-dimensional electrochemical turbulence during the electrodissolution of metal disk electrodes: Model calculations”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 8 , 2006, 3659-3668.
  10. A. Bîrzu, K. Krischer, “Confined spatio-temporal chaos during metal electrodissolution: simulations”, Z. Phys. Chem. 221, 2007,1245-1254.
  11. A. Bîrzu, V. Gaspar, “Synchronization of electrochemical oscillators of S-NDR type”, Electrochim. Acta 55, 2009, 383-394.

Papers 1-3 are cited in an international monograph ( Adv. Electrochem. Sci. Engn. ).


  1. A. Bîrzu, G. Bourceanu, L. Onel, “Nonlinear Dynamics”, Matrix ROM Publishing House, Bucharest, 2003 (in Romanian).
  2. G. Bourceanu, A. Bîrzu, “Thermodynamics of Evolution and Nonlinear Dynamics”, Matrix ROM Publishing House, Bucharest, 2004 (in Romanian).
  3. A. Bîrzu, M. Dumitras, Chemical kinetics. Fundamental aspects”, Matrix ROM Publishing House, Bucharest, 2008 (in Romanian).

Relevant presentations at international conferences

  1. A. Bîrzu, B.J. Green, J.L. Hudson, N.I. Jaeger, R.D. Otterstedt, P.J. Plath, U. Sydow,  ” Spatiotemporal Patterns in the Electrodissolution of Metals “, The 11th Asian-Pacific Corrosion Control Conference, November 1999, Vietnam.
  2. A. Bîrzu, B.J. Green, J.L. Hudson and N.I. Jaeger,  ” Modelling of spatiotemporal patterns during oscillatory metal electrodissolution “, Gordon Research Conference, Oscillations and Dynamic Instabilities in Chemical Systems, August 2000, Roger Williams University, Bristol, Rhode Island, USA.
  3. A. Bîrzu, N. I. Jaeger, J. L. Hudson, F. Plenge, K. Krischer,  ” Spatiotemporal patterns during electrodissolution of a metal disk electrode: model calculations “, Gordon Research Conference “Oscillations and dynamic instabilities in chemical systems”, Oxford, July 2002.
  4. A. Bîrzu, F. Plenge, N. I. Jaeger, J. L. Hudson, K. Krischer,  ” Spatiotemporal patterns during electrodissolution of a metal disk electrode: model calculations “, keynote lecture in “53rd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry”, Düsseldorf, September 2002.
  5. A. Bîrzu, F. Plenge, N. I. Jaeger, J. L. Hudson, K. Krischer,  ” Excitable dynamics during electrodissolution of a metal disk electrode: model calculation “, SFB 555 Workshop Complex Nonlinear Processes, Berlin, September 2003.
  6. A. Bîrzu, V. Gáspár,  ” Synchronization of large number of nonidentical electrochemical oscillators of S-NDR type “, 1st ESF workshop, FUNCDYN Programme, Haslev, Denmark, May 2007.
  7. A. Bîrzu, V. Gáspár,  ” Synchronization of electrochemical oscillators of SNDR type “, Gordon Research Conference “Oscillations and dynamic instabilities in chemical systems”, Waterville, USA, July 2008.
  8. A. Bîrzu, K. Krischer, “Modeling of globally coupled arrays of oscillators“, 2nd ESF workshop, FUNCDYN Programme, Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany, September 2008.
  9. I. Grosu, M. Hasler, A. Bîrzu, “Synchronization in chains of oscillators“, 2nd ESF workshop, FUNCDYN Programme, Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany, September 2008.